Thursday, May 14, 2009

A special day! May 14

Classy & Mallie love to take naps together! So sweet!

This outfit is really special because I wore it when was a baby.
And this was my favorite blankie. Mallie wore it to church last Sunday.

Such a happy baby!

This is such a special day. May 14 will always be precious to us! Our first baby was due to be born on May 14 2008. That baby is in heaven with Jesus. We had a miscarriage and that was the hardest thing I have ever been through, but it was also a time when God taught me so much.
That day is so special because on that day we got to hear Mallie's heartbeat for the first time!
I never could have imagined that it would be such a joyous day, but my God is so faithful.
As I look over at my precious baby girl I'm overwhelmed with emotions. We have a healthy and happy baby! While every day is different and some days are really hard. I'm so blessed.
I love you Mallie pie!
Here is a 4 month update:
-You love your cereal!
-You think it's so funny & cute to blow bubbles(spit) & it is
-Still gets up once a night to eat and still sleeps beside our bed. I'm beginning to think you may sleep in our room until college.
-You HAVE TO have your passy to go to sleep and usually freak out if it falls out.
-You smile all the time and it melts mommy & daddys heart.
-You are really becoming interested in Classy!
-You roll from your belly to your back and are so close to rolling the other way.
-Still looks just like your daddy and not a bit like your mommy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Valentine's Day, 1st time to wear jeans!

Read this shirt, but don't tell Classy
We can't wait to go to the beach this summer!
I'm pitiful, I know! A terrible blogger, I know!!! It seems every time I get on the computer to update our blog I end up looking at everyone's blog and not working on ours! Pitiful!
So anyways! Our life with Mallie has been wonderful and she brings us more joy than we could have ever imagined. She's getting so big and is doing new stuff every day!
I'm enjoying every minute of being home with her and am loving mommyhood!

She'll be 4 months next week! I can hardly believe it! We went to the dr. 2 weeks ago (long story, she decided to go on a 2 day nursing strike, yeah there is such a thing) and she was 13.6 lbs. She's a big girl with lots of rolls. So cute. We decided to try a little rice cereal last week and she loves it! She took eating with a spoon like a champ, so I was glad to know she was ready!
Here's some pics from the past 3 months and I'll try to update more.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just getting around to posting... Mallie's here!

So I'm just getting around to posting about our new love! Mallie arrived Tuesday Jan. 6th. after 16 hours of labor, 2 hours of pushing, and a c-section. It was the longest day and I was so sick all during labor. But it was all worth it when I got to hold my perfectly healthy baby in my arms.
She weighed 9 lbs. and was 20.5"long. Just as we thought,she was a big girl.
Things are going really well and she's such a good baby. Last night she slept from 11-4. Pretty good for a 12 day old. Jon started back to work today, I'm so sad about it. 24 hours without Daddy. We may have to take a trip to the fire station this afternoon. It's amazing how this little girl consumes our every thought and moment. We are having so much fun and she is such a blessing from the Lord. We are so thankful. Enjoy the pics from the last 2 weeks.

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 6,2009

So Tuesday is the day, unless she decides to come before. We go to the hospital Monday night and hopefully everything goes well and we'll meet our baby girl on Tuesday! We can not wait and I find myself getting more and more anxious.
Please pray for us and that everything will go smoothly.

Monday, December 8, 2008

About to pop!!

Literally! I'm about to pop! As you can see the buttons on my jacket wouldn't stay buttoned! We went to Garvan Gardens to see the lights w/ my family last week(beautiful). I was hoping all the walking would progress things a bit! I only have 3 1/2 weeks left and I'm ready! Seriously, I'm really ready! Despite being so sick and other wonderful things that go along w/pregnancy I'm so so ready to see our baby girl. I want to hold her and see her sweet face and pat her tiny bootie! I go to the dr. Thursday to see if I've made any other progress. Last week I was 25% effaced! So I guess that's better than nothing! I packed my bag and got Mallie's stuff ready last night and we're putting the final touches on the room (I'll post pics. soon). I promise to try to be better at blogging and updating as we get closer to meeting our little girl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mallie's Shower

This is so funny! Natalie's dogs got this for Classy.
If you zoom in it say 'Big Sis'!
I wish Classy loved this as much as I did!

Showing Jon all of Mallie's Goodies

Sweet Friends! Lottie says "Look at Me"!

Mallie's shower was this past weekend. It was so much fun

and so good to see my sweet friends! Thanks everyone for all the precious gifts, Mallie's already a little spoiled.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So cute

These are some things that a friend of mine had personalized for Mallie. Who knew you could get so excited about seeing a name on something.